Monday, March 3, 2014

And so it starts...

A brief history of who I am... In April, I will turn 40. I am 5'11" tall. My weight with clothes on (minus shoes) is 182lbs. According to the BMI calculator provided by the national health and human services website (, I am just barely overweight at 25.4 (overweight = 25-29.9). In 2005, I backpacked all 2200 miles of the Appalachian Trail (AT). At the start of the trail I weighed about 170lbs, and ended the trail weighing 145lbs. This began my extreme fitness mindset. After the AT, I ran the Pike's Peak Marathon and attempted the Leadville 100 trail run twice. The second time I did not finish due to a head injury at mile 10 that had me vomiting after 40 miles thus causing me to turn around and not finish. Since then, I have not been back to the extreme fitness I learned and embraced on the AT except to backpack the Colorado Trail (CT) this past summer. Instead, I increased my consumption of sugary foods with my 20oz mountain dew at least once a day if not 2-3 times per day and added a small bag of chips, doritos, combos, or goldfish crackers. This has lead to many health problems I did not realize until I took a break from all of it for a week. During my week of trying the low carbohydrate, high fat diet my husband has been on for a couple of months, I found my body did not hurt like it has for the past few years. Unfortunately, I was not able to maintain this diet due to lack of self control. At the same time, it made me think about my health a little more and try to come up with some way to help myself monitor my health and try finding the best way to be healthy. So, I decided to create this blog where I intend to document my food intake all the way down to the amount of water I consume each day as well as my fitness for the day. Also, I plan to journal my physical, emotional, and spiritual well being each day in relation to the food I consume. They say it takes about 30days to form a habit. Well, it has taken me almost 40 years to solidify this bad habit of sugar consumption, so we will see how long it takes to form a better more healthy habit of eating! Wish me luck.

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